The New Year often signifies new beginnings for us. It is an opportunity to rethink our lives and promise ourselves to fix what we think needs to be improved upon. Hence New Years Resolutions. I think a resolution is always a good thing. It need not be done just at new year but at anytime of year. A resolution is exactly what it implies – resolve to maintain something.
In today’s day and age we are all health & greenĀ focused and it would not be unusual to find that most resolutions will be health focused or world focused. Now it is all very well to say that as of today, I will eat my 5 a day every day, walk everywhere and catch buses instead of drive, quit smoking and drinking and lose weight in the process. Truth is if you currently don’t do any of these, well suddenly doing all this will be an impossible chore. If you actually manage to maintain your resolution until the end of the week I would be majorly impressed. It is always far better to chose one resolution and stick by it no matter what, even when the going gets tough. And it will get tough. After all, if it were easy, you would not need to strengthen your resolve. And only when it has become part and parcel, should you attempt to add another resolution. And if you think you cracked it in a week… think again! The minimum amount of time it will take before it can be considered habitual is 9 weeks. Having said that I believe it is better to be prudent and give it a minimum of 3 months. And even then you need to keep a watchful eye. After all it is always easier to slip into a bad habit. Usually because bad habits taste betters, are easier or simply more fun!!
I wish you the very best with your resolution(s) and hope that your find the strength and perseverance to stick to it!
I agreen with yuo on taking it easy on the resolutions. I’ve made two only – to finish more cosmetics before buying any, and to keep a healthy diet. I have maintained these to some extent this year, so it will not be a tall order for me.
That’s not a bad idea. I think I should throw out my old make-up (I have some dating from my teenage years) and buy myself some new ones… and actually use them!!