“My son has posters of naked women and who knows what all over his wall. He also has rude Bedroom Door Signs! He is only 14. I do not think it is appropriate behaviour. I have told him to remove them but he refuses saying that it is his room and his space. I feel that he should respect our feelings and take them down. I want to go to his room and rip them down, but my husband says I shouldn’t. I just want to cry. I don’t know what to do!”
Most teenagers have posters on their wall. They tend to have posters of the latest pop groups and singers. You need to see whether these women are completely naked or if they are just skimpily dressed (like most female pop stars!). Your husband and son are right to a certain extent. It is his space but it is your house. You are also right, he needs to respect your feelings.
I know it is not easy, but do try to find some time to actually speak to your son and tell him how you feel. Tell him that it is ok to have pictures of pop groups but not of naked people. Tell him it is ok to have bedroom signs but not offensive ones. It is all about compromise. You both need to compromise and understand how you are each feeling.